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8/1/2 Poe + Pro: Skin on or off


Skin on or off?
Terrie Relf

 In the top bunk

I feel hands reaching out to touch my                      mind and

sometimes I can’t get to sleep and

it’s really slapping my hand away from touching             sanity

 I try not to let it bother me ‘cause I heard that

Incubi are supposed to be on the friendly side…

 So I fantasize that he’s some disembodied poet looking for a little action, maybe a little inspiration

 and he’s chosen me…

 around 3:35am I feel him leave and can finally fall asleep

but I can’t stop thinking about him and how I’d like to            you know

 see his face

maybe look into his eyes

 that sort of thing

 I’ve heard it develops intimacy…

 but skin is just so superficial

so over-rated

so limited

 I’ll have to give this relationship some more thought